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Christian Insights 4 You
Sep 18, 20244 min read
Out of Your Depth? How God Meets Us in Our Struggles
Feeling out of your depth? You're not alone. Discover how God helped Moses and Peter in their most challenging moments, and how he helps us.

Christian Insights 4 You
Jul 4, 20244 min read
Faith in Action – Miracle in Philippi
Uncover the dramatic events in Philippi where a slave girl, faith, an earthquake, and a jailer's salvation highlight the power of the gospel

Christian Insights 4 You
Jun 7, 20244 min read
Jesus' teaching on faith - from mustard seeds to miracles
Discover the connection between Jesus feeding thousands and the mustard seed of faith, and its importance in overcoming life's challenges.

Christian Insights 4 You
May 30, 20243 min read
From Fear to Faith: Peter’s Stand for Jesus
Having denied Jesus at the crucifixion, disciple Peter was transformed by the Holy Spirit. His testimony gave rulers a challenging problem.

Christian Insights 4 You
May 18, 20244 min read
God’s arithmetic: 7 + 2 = 5,000 (what does God want?)
In God’s arithmetic, whatever we offer is multiplied immeasurably. From a little, he can make so much more. Read proof from the Bible.

Christian Insights 4 You
Mar 2, 20245 min read
Exploring the mystery: why didn't Jesus proclaim he was the Messiah?
There’s a mysterious thread around how far Jesus went in proclaiming himself to be the long awaited Messiah. There has to be an explanation.
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