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Be 'in Christ' - Be transformed. Guide to spiritual growth and blessings

Updated: Sep 14, 2024

Description: Explore the deep spiritual significance of being 'in Christ'. This useful guide shows how to grow spiritually and be blessed in daily life.


The phrase ‘in Christ’ frequently appears in Apostle Paul’s letters, and it carries deep spiritual significance and transformative power. But what does it truly mean to be in Christ? How can this concept shape our faith journeys and everyday lives? Let's explore the profound meaning behind this simple phrase and discover its relevance for us today.

One thing to be clear about at the outset: our acceptance by Christ isn't dependent on us being perfect; it's about trusting and believing in Jesus as our Saviour. Embracing his unconditional love opens the door to a life of joy, love, and grace. With this in mind, suggestions at the end of each section below are included as possible (and practical) approaches you may wish to reflect on and try for yourself.

1. Spiritual union in Christ

Being in Christ signifies a profound spiritual union with Jesus. Just as a branch draws life from the vine, we are connected to Christ. This defines our identity, purpose, and destiny – and it’s not at a distance. It's an intimate relationship that offers comfort, strength, and guidance in every aspect of life.


  • Practice presence: cultivate moments of silence or prayer to sense the presence of Christ daily.

  • Abide in his word: regularly read and meditate on the Bible to deepen understanding of Christ's teachings and character.

2. Redemption and reconciliation in Christ

Through faith in Christ, we experience redemption and reconciliation. Sins are forgiven, and we are restored to a harmonious relationship with God. This is made possible by Christ's sacrifice on the cross. Being in Christ means actively participating in this redemptive process and sharing in the blessings of his sacrifice.


  • Reflect on grace: regularly remind ourselves of the magnitude of Christ's sacrifice and the grace we've received.

  • Extend forgiveness: embrace Christ's example by forgiving others and seeking reconciliation in relationships.

3. New identity in Christ

In Christ, our identity is transformed. We're no longer defined by our past mistakes or labels. Instead, our identity is anchored in Christ's righteousness. The old self has passed away, and a new creation emerges within us (we are born again) (2 Corinthians 5:17). This new identity empowers us to live with purpose, confidence, and renewed worth.


  • Strengthen our identity: counteract negative self-talk with positive affirmations grounded in our renewed identity in Christ.

  • Renew our minds: replace old thought patterns with God's truths about our worth and identity.

4. Spiritual growth in Christ

Being in Christ isn't a static state; it's a dynamic relationship, inviting us to grow and mature. Through the Holy Spirit's guidance, we develop a more Christ-like character and bear the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). This growth shapes us into the people God intended us to be.


  • Set growth goals: identify areas of our lives where we want to grow and seek guidance from the Holy Spirit.

  • Practice spiritual disciplines: engage in regular prayer, Bible study, and fellowship to foster spiritual growth.

5. Access to spiritual blessings in Christ

Ephesians 1:3 tells us that being in Christ grants us access to every spiritual blessing. As we walk our Christian journey, we experience God's grace, wisdom, and love in abundance. These blessings equip us to navigate life's challenges and to serve as instruments of God's goodness.


  • Count our blessings: regularly reflect on the spiritual blessings we've received through Christ.

  • Share our blessings: look for opportunities to support and encourage others with the abundance we've received from God.

6. Participation in Christ's Mission

Being in Christ aligns us with his mission of reconciliation. We become his ambassadors, extending his love, compassion, and hope to a hurting world. By sharing the Gospel and living out its truths, we continue Christ's work of bringing salvation to all.


  • Live purposefully: approach each interaction as a chance to radiate Christ's love and convey his message of hope and transformation.

  • Serve with compassion: engage in acts of service that reflect Christ's compassion for those in need.

7. Community and unity in Christ

When we are in Christ, we become part of a dynamic spiritual community. Just as a body has many parts, we each play a unique role in the body of Christ. This unity fosters mutual support, accountability, and a shared purpose. Through this community, we glimpse the beauty of God's family on earth.


  • Prioritise fellowship: actively engage with the local church community and build meaningful relationships.

  • Support and encourage: be a source of encouragement and support for fellow believers, fostering unity.

8. Hope of resurrection in Christ

Being in Christ assures us of the hope of resurrection. Just as Christ was raised from the dead, we have the hope of eternal life through him. This hope sustains us through trials and uncertainties, reminding us that our ultimate destination is a glorious union with our Saviour.


  • Anchor in hope: when facing challenges, remind ourselves of the hope of resurrection and eternal life.

  • Live with purpose: let the hope of resurrection inspire us to live with purpose, knowing that our efforts are not in vain.


Being in Christ is a profound and transformative relationship with Jesus. It's a reminder of our spiritual union, redemption, and transformation. It empowers us to live out our faith, extend grace to others, and find our true purpose in Christ. Our challenge is to allow these insightful realities to guide our actions, thoughts, and aspirations.

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