Is that God calling... me!
Description: When God calls, doubt can follow. Moses doubted, Peter faltered, yet both were empowered by God. Discover how God strengthens ordinary people.
When God calls, doubt often follows. Moses doubted himself, Peter faltered, yet both were strengthened by God’s presence. In this blog, discover how God equips, empowers, and guides ordinary people like us to carry out extraordinary purposes, even when we feel unworthy or unprepared.
Is that God calling – me!
Hearing a call from God is one of the most remarkable and, at times, intimidating moments we can experience. Many admire people who sense God’s direction in their lives with absolute confidence. They speak about their calling with clarity and conviction, trusting that God has uniquely chosen them for a purpose. For others, the idea of God calling us to do something can feel surreal, even daunting.
That inner nudge
When we feel that inner nudge, a mix of wonder, doubt and fear often follows. Is it really God? Have we misunderstood? What if we’re unworthy? What if God has made a mistake? In moments like these, we can find confidence and inspiration in stories, such as that of Moses. He initially grappled with fear and doubt when God called him to lead the Israelites to freedom.
Moses’ reluctance
Despite his eventual greatness, Moses was a man with a complex past. Raised in Egyptian royalty, he’d fled the land after killing a taskmaster who was beating a Hebrew slave. The last thing he wanted was to go back. But God’s plan was clear. He’d chosen Moses to stand before Pharaoh, the most powerful leader of the time, and demand freedom for his people. Each of Moses' objections was met with reassurance, underlining God’s ability to build up anyone he calls. Once Moses had trusted God, God never left his side.
Excuses, yet God knows our potential
Just like Moses, we can easily find reasons we’re unsuitable for God’s calling. Moses questioned his worth, doubted his speaking ability, and wondered how he could even begin to convince the Israelites about God’s plan. Yet God saw potential, not limitations. He didn’t expect Moses to have all the answers or the courage to act alone. He only wanted Moses to trust him and his promises.
Moses’ story emphasises that, when God calls us, he’s not expecting perfection; he’s seeking willingness. Whatever the challenges, God walks with us, providing exactly what we need at every step.
Further examples of God’s calling
Here are four more biblical characters who took a leap of faith and responded to God’s call with trust. They were able to accomplish remarkable things, despite initial reluctance and imperfections.
1. Gideon: called from insecurity
Gideon, one of Israel’s judges, felt small and insignificant. When God asked him to save Israel from its enemies, he doubted and asked for (several) signs to confirm God’s plan. Despite his insecurities, Gideon took the leap, and with God’s guidance, led Israel to victory against overwhelming odds (Judges 6-7). Here again, we’re reminded that God’s call comes with the assurance he’ll make up for our weaknesses, turning limitations into strengths.
2. Esther: called to boldness
Esther, a young Jewish woman who became queen in a foreign land, was faced with a choice that could see her executed. She was called to intercede with the king to save her people from destruction. Despite her fear, she recognised she may have been elevated to the status of queen just so she could intercede (Esther 4:14). Her courage in answering God’s call saved a nation. Esther’s story shows God sometimes calls us into challenging situations, yet strengthens us when we need it most.
3. Samuel: called in youth
Samuel was just a boy when he first heard God’s voice in the temple. Confused and uncertain, he thought it was his mentor calling him – the then elderly and almost blind prophet Eli. With Eli’s guidance, Samuel responded to God, asking him to speak for he was listening (1 Samuel 3). Samuel’s openness to God’s call, even at this young age, set him on a path to become one of Israel’s greatest prophets. This example reminds us God can call us at any stage of life and, when needed, places advisers around us to help us recognise and respond.
4. Jonah: called despite resistance
Jonah’s story stands out as a reminder that God’s call can come even when we try to resist it. When God asked him to preach to the people of Nineveh, Jonah fled in the opposite direction. Yet God patiently guided him back on track, and through Jonah, an entire city turned back to God (Jonah 1-4). Even if we initially resist, God’s persistence reflects his deep love and patience, encouraging us to trust that he knows best. For a fuller account of Jonah’s story, please read the blog, Jonah and who deserves mercy?
Practical pointers for recognising and embracing God’s call
Recognising God’s call can sometimes be easier said than done, especially when life is busy or uncertain. The following are some practical ways we can listen for and respond to God’s voice with clarity and faith:
1. Seek a quiet heart
Distractions are everywhere. Finding time for quiet reflection – whether through prayer, meditation, or simply sitting in silence – allows us to pick up God’s voice more clearly. Scripture frequently shows Jesus seeking solitude to pray, illustrating the importance of stillness in hearing God’s direction. Creating these spaces regularly helps us become attuned to the subtle nudges that might otherwise go unnoticed.
2. Consult God’s word
The Bible provides guidance on God’s character and his purposes for our lives. By reading stories of others who were called by God, we learn the kinds of qualities he values and the ways he equips those he calls. Familiarising ourselves with scripture helps us align our understanding with God’s intentions, giving us greater confidence.
3. Seek wise counsel
Just as Samuel had Eli, and Moses had his brother Aaron, wise mentors and friends can help recognise and interpret God’s calling. Sharing our sense of calling with trusted people in our faith community can bring confirmation, encouragement, and practical advice. God often works through the wisdom of others to affirm our path.
4. Take one step at a time
Sometimes, the magnitude of God’s calling can feel overwhelming. Rather than focusing on the entirety of the journey, trust God with the first step. When Peter stepped out of the boat, he didn’t know how it would end – he simply trusted Jesus with each step (Matthew 14:28-30). Taking small, faithful steps, even in uncertainty, strengthens our trust and allows God to guide us gradually.
Conclusion: embracing God’s call with faith
God’s call often comes in unexpected ways and at surprising times. Like Moses, Gideon, Esther, Samuel, and Jonah, we may feel inadequate, fearful, or unprepared. Yet, God’s assurance is clear throughout scripture. He will never call us to a task without equipping us to complete it. Our only requirement is faithfulness.
Whether we feel the tug to serve in our local church, speak out against injustice, or simply be a beacon of love in our communities, God’s presence is constant. He works through our strengths and even our weaknesses, transforming ordinary people into champions for his extraordinary purposes.